
FURB herbarium - Herbário Dr. Roberto Miguel Klein - Universidade Regional de Blumenau - Herbário Virtual REFLORA

Latest version published by Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro on 01 July 2024 Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro

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Data as a DwC-A file download 76,752 records in Portuguese (9 MB) - Update frequency: weekly
Metadata as an EML file download in Portuguese (10 KB)
Metadata as an RTF file download in Portuguese (7 KB)


O Herbário da FURB foi criado em 1990 e denominado Dr. Roberto Miguel Klein em homenagem ao botânico e ecólogo, professor da nossa Universidade, que estudou a flora de Santa Catarina, caracterizando sua ecologia e vegetação. Tem como objetivo abrigar coleções e estimular estudos sobre a biodiversidade da flora especialmente aquela do Parque Nacional da Serra do Itajaí, do Vale do Itajaí e de Santa Catarina.

Data Records

The data in this occurrence resource has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardized format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table contains 32,142 records.

This IPT archives the data and thus serves as the data repository. The data and resource metadata are available for download in the downloads section. The versions table lists other versions of the resource that have been made publicly available and allows tracking changes made to the resource over time.


The table below shows only published versions of the resource that are publicly accessible.

How to cite

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

Gasper A L D (2024). FURB herbarium - Herbário Dr. Roberto Miguel Klein - Universidade Regional de Blumenau - Herbário Virtual REFLORA. Version 1.280. Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro. Occurrence dataset. https://ipt.jbrj.gov.br/reflora/resource?r=furb_herbarium&v=1.280


Researchers should respect the following rights statement:

The publisher and rights holder of this work is Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.

GBIF Registration

This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: e7b96ed9-da1c-4eec-a481-281b1b319e48.  Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by GBIF Brazil.


Occurrence; Specimen; Occurrence


Andre Luis de Gasper
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
  • Point Of Contact
Universidade Regional de Blumenau
Antonio da Veiga, Nº140 - Bairro: Victor Konder
89030-903 Blumenau
Rafaela Forzza
  • Point Of Contact
Reflora coordinator
Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro
Rua Pacheco Leão 915
22460-030 Rio de Janeiro
Vitor Monteiro
  • Programmer
Rio de Janeiro Botanic Garden
Eduardo Dalcin
  • Editor
Núcleo de Computação Científica
Rio de Janeiro Botanic Garden

Geographic Coverage

Floresta Atlântica Subtropical. Sul do Brasil.

Bounding Coordinates South West [-30.031, -55.415], North East [-22.715, -48.208]

Sampling Methods

No Description available

Quality Control We make a database check using many web tools, to avoid duplicates entrance, coordinate mistake and names spelling. We also look for barcode and photo mistakes using Exsicatae toold from INCT.

Method step description:

  1. Step description

Additional Metadata

Alternative Identifiers e7b96ed9-da1c-4eec-a481-281b1b319e48