
Brazilian Flora 2020 project - Projeto Flora do Brasil 2020

最新バージョン Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro によって公開 2024/04/01 Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro

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In 2010, Brazil met Target 1 established by the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC-CDB), within the scope of the Convention on Biological Diversity, with the publication of the “Catálogo de Plantas e Fungos do Brasil” and with the release of the first online version of the “Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil”. The “Lista do Brasil” project, as it became popularly known, ended in November 2015, with the publication of five articles and their respective databases. In early 2016, the “Flora do Brasil 2020” project was launched, aiming to fulfill Target 1 established by the GSPC-CDB for 2020, with morphological descriptions, identification keys and illustrations for all species of plants, algae and fungi known to the country. By the end of 2020, monographs for all families of Bryophytes, Ferns and Lycophytes and Gymnosperms native to Brazil were made available in a broad and unrestricted way, as well as monographs for 90% of Angiosperm families. The results achieved were a consequence of the collaborative work of almost 1,000 taxonomists, Brazilians and foreigners, in an online platform for the inclusion of data from the taxonomic groups of their specialty. In addition to preparing the monographs, these researchers were also responsible for including information on nomenclature (accepted names vs. synonyms) and geographic distribution (by states in Brazil, endemism and Phytogeographic Domains), in addition to including valuable data on life forms, substrate and vegetation types for the species worked, and these informations are available here as a DwC-A files. However, the monographs completed by 2020 for Algae and for Fungi were not able to cover the real diversity of these groups in Brazil and this was a stimulus for the beginning of this new phase of the project, in early 2022, and since than the project adopt the name Flora e Funga do Brasil. This change aims to seek a more inclusive biological terminology for the Fungi Kingdom and a greater engagement of the mycological and lichenological community, both for the improvement of the list of species occurring in the country, and for the elaboration of monographs.

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Flora e Funga do Brasil (Constantly updated): Flora e Funga do Brasil project - Projeto Flora e Funga do Brasil. Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. Dataset/Checklist. doi:10.15468/1mtkaw



パブリッシャーとライセンス保持者権利者は Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.


このリソースをはGBIF と登録されており GBIF UUID: aacd816d-662c-49d2-ad1a-97e66e2a2908が割り当てられています。   GBIF Brazil によって承認されたデータ パブリッシャーとして GBIF に登録されているInstituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro が、このリソースをパブリッシュしました。


Checklist; Inventoryregional; Checklist


Group Brazil Flora
  • メタデータ提供者
  • 最初のデータ採集者
  • 連絡先
Rua Pacheco Leão 915
22460-030 Rio de Janeiro



座標(緯度経度) 南 西 [-90, -180], 北 東 [90, 180]



Kingdom Plantae, Fungi
Phylum Tracheophyta, Ascomycota, Myxomycota, Basidiomycota
Class Magnoliopsida, Sordariomycetes, Liliopsida, Pucciniomycetes, Agaricomycetes, Myxomycetes, Pezizomycetes, Leotiomycetes
Order Santalales, Pezizales, Dipsacales, Cucurbitales, Asterales, Phallales, Aquifoliales, Polyporales, Ceratiomyxales, Arecales, Auriculariales, Alismatales, Pucciniales, Ranunculales, Malpighiales, Hymenochaetales, Asparagales, Xylariales, Russulales, Hypocreales, Malvales, Lamiales, Caryophyllales, Liliales, Piperales, Boletales, Brassicales, Helotiales, Agaricales, Sapindales, Gentianales, Apiales, Geastrales
Family Begoniaceae, Araliaceae, Aquifoliaceae, Acanthaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Arecaceae, Apiaceae, Araceae, Alliaceae, Bonnetiaceae, Apodanthaceae, Balanophoraceae, Aizoaceae, Alstroemeriaceae, Bataceae, Achariaceae, Basellaceae, Berberidaceae, Aristolochiaceae, Adoxaceae, Apocynaceae, Achatocarpaceae, Amaranthaceae, Asteraceae, Agavaceae, Anacardiaceae, Bixaceae, Anisophylleaceae, Alismataceae


  1. FORZZA, R. C., BAUMGRATZ, J. F., Bicudo, C.E.M., CARVALHO JUNIOR, A., COSTA, Andréa, COSTA, D. P., HOPKINS, M. J. G., LEITMAN, P., LOHMANN, L. G., MAIA, L. C., MARTINELLI, G., MENEZES, M., Morim, M. P., COELHO, M. N., PEIXOTO, A. L., PIRANI, J. R., PRADO, J., Queiroz, L.P., Souza, V. C., STEHMANN, J., SYLVESTRE, Lana, Walter, B.M.T., ZAPPI, D. Catálogo das Plantas e Fungos do Brasil. Rio de Janeiro : Andrea Jakobsson Estúdio & Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, 2010, v. 1 e 2. p.1699. http://reflora.jbrj.gov.br/downloads/vol1.pdf
  2. Forzza, Rafaela C., Baumgratz, José Fernando A., Bicudo, Carlos Eduardo M., Canhos, Dora A. L., Carvalho, Anibal A., Coelho, Marcus A. Nadruz, Costa, Andrea F., Costa, Denise P., Hopkins, Michael G., Leitman, Paula M., Lohmann, Lucia G., Lughadha, Eimear Nic, Maia, Leonor Costa, Martinelli, Gustavo, Menezes, Mariângela, Morim, Marli Pires, Peixoto, Ariane Luna, Pirani, José R., Prado, Jefferson, Queiroz, Luciano P., Souza, Sidnei, Souza, Vinicius Castro, Stehmann, João R., Sylvestre, Lana S., Walter, Bruno M. T., Zappi, Daniela C. New Brazilian Floristic List Highlights Conservation Challenges. Bioscience (Washington. Print). , v.62, p.39 - 45, 2012. http://reflora.jbrj.gov.br/downloads/FUNG1.pdf
  3. MENEZES, M. et al. Update of the Brazilian floristic list of Algae and Cyanobacteria. Rodriguésia, v. 66, n. 4, 2015. (DOI: 10.1590 / 2175-7860201566408) http://ckan.jbrj.gov.br/dataset/floradobrasil
  4. BFG. Growing knowledge: an overview of Seed Plant diversity in Brazil. Rodriguesia, v. 66, n. 4, 2015. (DOI: 10.1590/2175-7860201566411) http://ckan.jbrj.gov.br/dataset/floradobrasil
  5. COSTA, D. P.; PERALTA, D. F. Bryophytes diversity in Brazil. Rodriguésia, v. 66, n. 4, p. 1–9, 2015. (DOI: 10.1590 / 2175-7860201566409) http://ckan.jbrj.gov.br/dataset/floradobrasil
  6. MAIA, L. C. et al. Diversity of Brazilian Fungi. Rodriguésia, v. 66, n. November, 2015. (DOI: 10.1590 / 2175-7860201566407) http://ckan.jbrj.gov.br/dataset/floradobrasil
  7. PRADO, J. et al. Diversity of ferns and lycophytes in Brazil. Rodriguésia, v. 66, n. 4, 2015. (DOI: 10.1590 / 2175-7860201566410) http://ckan.jbrj.gov.br/dataset/floradobrasil


代替識別子 aacd816d-662c-49d2-ad1a-97e66e2a2908